The "Climb Initiative" is a concentrated effort to improve our community by investing in people to produce generational change and stability in area families. Reaching new heights requires a community effort of personal growth and collective action. We all have a role to play, and Reliant desires to pave the way for others to climb.
Draw close to God through the climb.
Personal growth never happens on the mountain top but the climb. Jesus never promised it would be easy, only that He would be with you. Greater personal vision requires new heights.
View our community from God's perspective.
The church is not a building. Our facilities should be a place to engage our community in deeper relationship for life transformation.
Join God on the mountain of sacrifice.
God has filled us with His power and love to build a kingdom of followers for His honor and glory. God has given us strength for the climb. To see His Kingdom advance we must be willing to go with God.