
Discipleship is the intentional training of Disciples of Christ.

What is a Disciple of Jesus?

Embracing the path of a Disciple of Christ means surrendering our ambitions to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and embody his teachings. Jesus handpicked twelve men to spread his message of reconciliation and to find others willing to follow him wholeheartedly. This call to discipleship is not a mere program but a transformative way of life that individuals must actively choose. At Reliant, our discipleship process is designed to train and equip those who have chosen to follow Jesus, empowering them to walk in his ways and carry out his work.

To support this journey, Pastor Bill Sizemore has developed a comprehensive set of books and lessons called "The Potter's Clay," which has proven to be an effective mentoring system that molds individuals into devoted disciples capable of guiding others. The Potter's Clay begins a lifelong expedition of learning and application, leading to a deeper connection with Jesus.

For us at Reliant, discipleship is at the core of our mission: "to produce Jesus followers of faith that expand God's kingdom." If you've never had a personal mentor to guide you in following Jesus, our discipleship path offers clear guidance for your spiritual growth. Join us on this transformative journey and be empowered to walk alongside Jesus.